In the world of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, the world is split up into different Colonies, each one operating in its own areaVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. Each Colony is run by a commander and has its own different needs and facilities. As you explore the world, you will find different Colonies and become associated with them. Here’s how Colony Affinity works and how you can increase it.
How to increase Colony Affinity
At the start of Chapter 3, you unlock the ability to liberate Colonies. Once a Colony is liberated, it is no longer your enemy and you are free to walk around and use its facilities. In addition to the Colonies, there is also the Nopon Caravans, which have their own affinity chart. The way it works is that each Colony has an affinity meter, which starts at one-star and goes all the way up to five-stars.